Monday, August 30, 2004

national service anyone?

Apparently, there are people claming that national service is actually made compulsary for everyone. How true is that? I don't really believe it, however it somehow scares me in some way. So here's a little recap on the national service craze...

Thursday, 26th August 2004
Read a little physics in the morning, and it was then my handphone rang. An unidentified number, but nevertheless i picked up the call and it was edward! Using kian ming's phone i guess... Well, something unexpected, he informed me that we can actually check our status for the coming national service program. Of course, he asked me to check mine and tell him what's the results. I didn't, wanted to, but afraid. Afraid that i might be chosen. 3 months !? Never i'm gonna spend 3 months with just physical training, eating spicy foods everyday. Besides, in that 3 months my dad might come home to visit and i will never want to miss a chance to spend his a week or two holiday here. Second, I plan to learn driving. And third, concentrate on my piano exams next year. Well, conrad called soon after that and also to inform me about the national service thingy. Lucky him, obviously not chosen! Oh well, had the feeling of checking out my status, but at last did not.

Friday, 27th August 2004
Rather sleepless night as the thought of national service still linger in my mind. Finally, i braced up myself and decided to just call the number to find out. First thing in the morning, slightly later than 8.30 am, i stormed out of my room and reached for the telephone. Dialled the number, but it was busy. Dialled again, busy. After several futile attempts, i decide to try again later. There was once i got through, but it seems that no one was picking up the phone. Nope, it isn't working. This has definately increased the tension. Alas, managed to get the operator, and as i was giving my ic number, my hand trembled and... the answer is, not selected! Superb, i breath a sigh of relief, and almost immediately, i sms-ed conrad, asking him to help check my status to confirm, just in case i read my ic number wrongly. While waiting for his reply, i also phoned my mom, gave her the number and asked her to help check my status (without telling her i called them once!). Conrad's reply came some time later, and it's also a no! Thrid confirmation came later, and my mom initially tricked me, saying it's like striking in a lottery. That didn't work of course. hehe... Without knowing, i got to know that loke's sister also helped me check it too. Hm~


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