Saturday, September 11, 2004

Common sense is a commodity. Hard to find, even harder to acquire.

I think this is pretty interesting...

There's no doubt that trust might be more important than love. In fact, one's identity can be judged based on their trustworthiness. You see, a lot of people take advantage by using love as an excuse. But, trust is something that cannot be given or said easily. It comes with honor when one deserves it. When you think about it thoroughly, have you come across people whom you've known and loved for a long time, only to get hurt when your trust in them has been betrayed? It will change one's perception on trust. It teaches one to be more cautious and ultimately, difficulty in trusting anyone again. There goes the chance of some of those who deserve to be trusted.

Everyone feels jealous, but when you go overboard with petty things like your partner talking to someone of the opposite sex, then you really need help. Trust plays a major role in any relationship and if you don't have trust then you will have a lot of jealousy which later leads to bigger problems.

Jealousy doesn't just take place amongst us, the mere normal people but also amongst celebrities. Did you hear about Jay-Z and Beyonce Knowles? Apparently Jay-Z was so jealous that he wouldn't allow Sean Paul to be seen together with Beyonce in their "Baby Boy" video clip. That is why if you watch the video closely, Sean Paul and Beyonce don't meet at all in the course of the entire video. Do you think Jay-Z was being silly?

Jealousy is not a good's an ugly thing and if you don't stop feeling jealous'll probably haunt you for the rest of your life.

Yes, you can be jealous and you should let your partner know that you are jealous about something. Communication is vital when it comes to relationship and the both of you have to always talk about things. Do not keep everything in silence. You need to share and he/she needs to know that you are not comfortable with.

Should you feel jealous if your boy/girlfriend gets friendly with a girl/boy in his/her classroom for no reason at all? Jealousy is a feeling we all do feel sometimes in our lives. Is it healthy? - nobody can be too sure. A healthy jealousy is a friendly rivalry that pushes you to beat your friend in, say, exams or a spelling bee competition. But jealousy that breeds directly from the heart and gives you extra unwanted anger in a few seconds after witnessing your boy/girlfriend talking to some chick/hunk is not healthy.

Trust. Let us take an analogy over here. Let’s just say, one day your parents found out about your little secret and are having a ploy to have you both separated. Your mom tells you that your girl/boyfriend has another ‘intimate’ boyfriend outside, when she/he actually don’t. Are you going to believe her right away and take an immediate action of breaking the relationship with her/him? Through this, I think you could understand that trust and faith is important. Whatever you do, believe in yourself and your partner.

Jealousy is the root of all failed relationships. So if you have any weird jealousy which may lead to psychotic behaviour, take a step back and relax. A relationship is like sand held in the palm of your hands. If held too tightly, the sand will spill through your fingers but if held loosely, the grains of sand will stay securely in your palms. You may prefer to be somewhat 'free' and yet, remain DEVOTED in a certain way to your loved one.

Friday, September 03, 2004

Awwrghhh... !

Just visited edward's website, and it was great! Perhaps i should give my blog a face-lift too... well, perhaps someday later... when i have the time. Having mixed feelings right now... about... hm? Too bad the elaboration for this doesn't suit to be posted here.