Some interesting pics
This pic was taken during the charity drive in Taylor's. Held in the month of ? I forgot.
And this was taken during the Ma'Daerah Turtle Sanctuary Trip. We were at the waterfalls then.
What's next eh? How about the recent award ceremony which was held in my previous school, sbs.
Well well, who's in the pic? There's me, my mom, loy yang, his mom, and edmund and his dad *wink*
Alright, this was taken in a condo opposite sbs. Nice, innit?
Okay okay, how about the picture we took during my b'day celebration in secret recipe, lot 10? It was great, 'nice' surprise, heheh.
Yea, there's aziemah, fariza, buzzy, conrad, tam, lai tee, ivy, jon, loy yang, edmund and me! Did i missed anyone out?